Category: Design


This incredible concept app… concappt, is the amazing brainchild of Greg Goralski. It uses computer vision to turn initial scamps into interactive wireframes with functional buttons, maps and other features.

This could be a quick and amazing tool to bring ideas to life before they even get to see dev or design.


I think this is an amazing idea that could really help the realisation of ideas as well as the initial sell. However, they still need your help. The project is still looking for backers through KickStarter. So what are you waiting for!

Support AppSeed here



As much as I’ve heard people bang on about 3D printing, nothing has quite hit home like this inspirational video from Shapeways.

What is the future of creativity, manufacturing, and design? How is the Shapeways community and 3D printing enabling everyone to make their ideas real?

This film portrays how the Shapeways 3D printing community and marketplace is enabling everyone to be a creator. All you need is an idea and an Internet connection.

Grammar Graphic

Copyblogger recently created this infographic to cover several simple grammar rules.

I suggest that we all wait for that dramatically incorrect email to come through from… you know who (and if you don’t… it’s you) and ping back this image to everyone.


David Mitchell would be proud.

Brian Dettmer – Book Sculptures

This weekend the most amazing thing that I saw was a book. This, although not being very profound, is for me quite the achievement (I seem to have been reading David Copperfield for the last six months… nay, years!) But it was not the written word that caught my attention, more the lack of it.

Dettmer reflects the text's subject matter in his art

American artist Brian Dettmer is ‘one of the leading International contemporary artists working with the book ‘. (OK, that was a little quote from his site, I don’t think it does his work the slightest bit of justice but I did find it funny.) Using nothing but a scalpel and tweezers Dettmer cuts into encyclopedias, medical journals and other rich and relevant publications to create works of art, breathing added life into the beauty of the written word.

“The richness and depth of the book is universally respected yet often undiscovered as the monopoly of the form and relevance of the information fades over time. The book’s intended function has decreased and the form remains linear in a non-linear world. By altering physical forms of information and shifting preconceived functions, new and unexpected roles emerge.”
Brian Dettmer 

Combining books in intelligent ways creates amazing effects

Even folding one book can create incredible depth and curves

Painstakingly pawing through each page, Dettmer picks out a perfect composition of characters

A clever cascade effect is created from eight books


Many more beautiful images can be found on Flickr.




Inkling by Wacom – Digitised sketching

Digital sketching, tablets and iPads are all good, but lest us not lose the tactile feeling of drawing a picture. The scratch of pen or pencil against paper is satisfying in a way that digital could not be, or at least couldn’t have been.

Introducing Inkling by Wacom.

Yes, as it suggests, you plug in and attach to the top of your pad or paper the modern day bulldog clip and just start sketching. Your marks and (or) movement are then instantly digitised and sent directly to your computer. In their own words it ‘bridges the gap between traditional, free hand sketching and digital development’.

It’s no surprise that the first comment is ‘holy fucking amazing’.

Unfortunately it’s not out yet, but watch this space for its imminent release.

Thank you @hannah_bain for spotting this one.

Awesome Portal Cosplay

I consider myself a lover of Portal. I completed the first game more times than I can count and was in was in my local HMV every day waiting for the restock… But this remodeling of Stephen Merchants manic robot takes the love of the game several steps further than I would be willing to travel.

Check out Furin’s Wheatley:
(I know nothing about this alledged Furin, so any info on him/her would be awesome)

What I find more impressive than the working model is the work in progress. Check out a few mid-model images in the gallery below:

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You can read how he made it, and see more pics here.
Click here for  an in depth description of utter genius.