Tagged: Mash-up

Dumb Ways to Die… while playing GTA V

I know a few people who got a little excited over the brilliant Dumb Ways to Die viral by the Metro and McCann Melbourne…
but I also know a  lot more people who became erratically ecstatic over the release of GTA V.

So I would hope this should cause a little pant wetting:

Dumb Ways to Die in GTA V (Parody)

Check out the rest of Brysi‘s videos.
There’s a lot more satirical fun to be had.

Sizzling Daredevil Trailer

Don’t mistake what you are about to see for another waste of space fan-made trailer. This is Joe Carnahan’s (Director of The Grey and Smokin’ Aces) recent pitch to  Twentieth Century Fox, for his reimagining of the super sensitive, claret clad, Marvel hero… Daredevil.

Unfortunately Fox had a finite time to get a film into production before the Daredevil rights reverted back to Disney/Marvel. Last night Carnahan tweeted “DD pitch was tremendous and everyone flipped for it. The clock ticked down at Fox, that’s why it went tits up”.


Cogoo – Turntable Rider

Cogoo, are a Japanese bike lending/hiring/giving company… Well I don’t know, I heard they did clever things with bikes and technology, slightly similar to London’s Barclays Bikes… But then I saw something that no floppy haired moyoron could ever accomplish:

Turntable Rider

You can discover more here.

Or watch the ‘making of’ here (i.e. below).

United State of Pop 2011

DJ Earworm has done it again. The annual mash-up master is back with the latest in the United State of Pop collection.

United State of Pop 2011

Not nearly as good as his 2009 rendition, but maybe it’s because instead of just disliking each terrible excuse for a track I now despise them to the point of actual eye bleeding. Aside from that, it is another smoothly edited and expertly crafted singular piece of music.

P.S. Check the T at 1:10.
Thanks to MusicLover5683 for pointing that one out.

Celebrating Shuffling Geese

Inspired by last weeks awesome goose antics (which I still can’t get enough of), I decided to create a classic FJN punny video.



Thank you Pete Stokes for providing the talent.

And to add insult through imagery, here’s a funny fat Panda shuffling out to LMFAO.

Shuffling Panda