Tagged: art


This is the best thing I have ever seen!!!! (OK, that might be a bit much but it is refreshingly brilliant.)

Innovative and interactive without the need for an Arduino… Genius!

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/44866791]

Here’s what the creator – @Disselkoen – has to say about it:

For four years, each day I took the same tram to art academy. Why would you then look out the window with curiosity when there is no reason to expect anything new. I decided to change the daily journey for my fellow passengers and myself. I wouldn’t move the tramway track, but maybe I could add something. Make something so that what already exists would look very different now.

Man-eater is part of my graduation project “Remake Reality” for the Royal Academy of Art, The Netherlands.

For my portfolio, please visit danieldisselkoen.nl
Music: “Contemporary Individual” by Superhumanoids (superhumanoids.com/)


It’s Showtime for Animators

Showtime have managed to combine all of my favourite YouTube animators, actors and artists to create a series of excellent clips called Shortstories.


Simon’s Cat


Bill Plympton

Mystery Guitar Man

Thank you Showtime for making/wasting my day.
(Delete as you see fit)

Brian Dettmer – Book Sculptures

This weekend the most amazing thing that I saw was a book. This, although not being very profound, is for me quite the achievement (I seem to have been reading David Copperfield for the last six months… nay, years!) But it was not the written word that caught my attention, more the lack of it.

Dettmer reflects the text's subject matter in his art

American artist Brian Dettmer is ‘one of the leading International contemporary artists working with the book ‘. (OK, that was a little quote from his site, I don’t think it does his work the slightest bit of justice but I did find it funny.) Using nothing but a scalpel and tweezers Dettmer cuts into encyclopedias, medical journals and other rich and relevant publications to create works of art, breathing added life into the beauty of the written word.

“The richness and depth of the book is universally respected yet often undiscovered as the monopoly of the form and relevance of the information fades over time. The book’s intended function has decreased and the form remains linear in a non-linear world. By altering physical forms of information and shifting preconceived functions, new and unexpected roles emerge.”
Brian Dettmer 

Combining books in intelligent ways creates amazing effects

Even folding one book can create incredible depth and curves

Painstakingly pawing through each page, Dettmer picks out a perfect composition of characters

A clever cascade effect is created from eight books


Many more beautiful images can be found on Flickr.




Embodying Cityscapes

Whilst trawling through tumblr yesterday, I noticed a post from Laughing Squid that made me stop and reflect. It was a series of photos from British photographer Jasper James. This particular project focused on city skylines that were partially visible through silhouettes. I think it is a very clever idea with some extremely beautiful executions.

Here are some of my faves…

See the rest of the collection here.