Tagged: parody

Dumb Ways to Die… while playing GTA V

I know a few people who got a little excited over the brilliant Dumb Ways to Die viral by the Metro and McCann Melbourne…
but I also know a  lot more people who became erratically ecstatic over the release of GTA V.

So I would hope this should cause a little pant wetting:

Dumb Ways to Die in GTA V (Parody)

Check out the rest of Brysi‘s videos.
There’s a lot more satirical fun to be had.


I feel slightly estranged to this blogging malarky, but better way to get back in the saddle than a post dedicated to Friday funnies. So here they are…

World’s funniest eye witness account recorded via voicemail:

Funny or Die parody Chipotle’s recent ad, Scarecrow:Chipotle - Scarecrow

This ad:

And… I made another Friday Photoshop:Look Who's Tolkien

Mince Pony Mince

Silly Stufff

The latest ad for mobile Network Three is a return to the slightly surreal, this time held together with the line ‘Silly stuff. It matters‘.

Apparently 45% of mobile sharing is simply to make people smile. With this in mind the advertising agency, Wieden & Kennedy, have modled Three’s new campaign around celebrating the silliness of the internet. So seen as dancing and animals are always hot to trot (so to speak) why not start with a dancing pony?

However, with horse being hot on the menu, it wasn’t long before someone served up an alternative:

Thank you The Poke for creating this and @OllyBoden for sharing it with me, apologies if this horse is not to your taste.




Seven PsychoCATS

If you can forego the slightly saccharine outlook of the forgivingly pretty presenters, then Clevver Movies is a really good YouTube channel to subscribe to. Regular uploads keep followers abreast of breaking trailers, movies and Hollywood goss… but never this-

Ex Cartoon Network and Adult Swim director (and all round doer) Jim Tozzi has recreated Martin McDonagh‘s Los Angeles criminal underworld… with cats.

Seven Psychocats

Based on the upcoming movie Seven Psychopaths (obvs), Tozzi has turned the all star cast into all star cats, to much amusement. For me, Christoph Walken makes the best pussy there but who’s you favourite famous feline?

Check out the original trailer here.

Beer Chase

From the beer that brought us my favourite ad EVER (Don’t worry, I’ve included it at the bottom)… comes the latest in comedy commercial capers from Carlton Draught. Their recent instalment follows some post heist bandits as they attempt a getaway from the local law enforcement.  What separates this from any other classic chase scene is this… they don’t want to spill their precious Carlton Draught, so they make their escape on foot with the police in toe (and on toe). Don’t worry my Blues Brothers, it still contains all the classic car chase clichés, making this commercial… hilarious!

Beer Chase:

This practically perfect 80’s pastiche was created by Clemenger BBDO Melbourne. Good work boys! And here is another ‘big ad’ from that refreshing bar beverage that is… ‘Made from Beer’.

Big Ad:

Via RichlyEvocative.

A Star Wars that I Used To Know (Featuring George Lucas)

It may have seemed an easy win, combining the worlds most loved film with music’s latest and greatest video… but I forgive you.

Not only have they managed to eek out everything I hate about Lucas and his attempts to taint the wonderful world of Star Wars, but they also managed to make it seamless and funny. Well done.

(SPOILER: Absolutely love the green screen.)

Last Week on the Net

Last week I was at home in the sticks, with an internet signal as strong as a baby’s little toe. I became so annoyed at the word ‘Buffering’ I soon gave up on the whole thing. Here are just a few of the items that seemed to draw me in before giving me the metaphorical finger:

Red Ted Band Trailer

I was able to see were giffs of Marky Mark singing the Thunder song with the new bear on the block, which only made matters worse.

Project Glass

This really frustrated me, I wanted to see what was all shiny and new in the tech world… oh, and the inevitable parodies that were to follow:

Augmented Lolz

And none of this was more frustrating than not being able to hear what Snoop had to say about his new book. So Snoop, drop it like it’s hard(back).

It feels so good to get all that off my chest.