Tagged: facebook

Facebook Ad

So just in case you didn’t know what Facebook was, they made an ad.

I know, I know. And it’s probably more vomit inducing than you first imagined BUT… If you make it through the first 35 seconds you will be rewarded with the link at the bottom of the page.

Chairs, doorbells, bridges, airplanes. These are things that people use to get together and connect. Facebook is also something that over a billion people around the world use to connect with one another.

It is also important to note that these social guru’s have disabled comments and rating on this video.

Congratulations for surviving that saccharine monstrosity, now here is your reward:


Via @daniisbeing and @NaomiBM


Today I have mostly been making… Kevin Systrom parodies.

Unfortunately I’m about a month late, but my mate just sent me the video of Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom giving his verdict of the facebook Instagram buyout. If you’ve not seen it, here it is:

And here’s the fun I had with it.

Just having a laugh.

It Takes Tattoo to Tango

A crazy bitch tattooed her boyfriend’s  face on her arm and that led to him now being her ex-boyfriend. To make matters more amusing, the whole thing unfolded over a single comment thread… Excellent!

Unfortunately the whole thing was a prank, but a brilliant one none the less, so I did what I obviously had to do…

…I put ‘this tattoo’ on a t-shirt.

I’ve also posted the t-shirt on threadless and my design also cropped up here, so if anyone does want it, with enough love… you could get it.

However you can already purchase the t-shirt in a small variety of colours and size… here.

Heineken Christmas Tree

Keeping up the festive theme:


For 2011’s festive celebrations, Heineken has created what could possibly be the world’s most social Christmas tree. Send your friends a unique festive greeting at http://www.socialtree.sg and watch it come alive as a visual showcase on the actual tree at Clarke Quay from 17 — 26 December. At 11 metres tall with 48 LCD screens, it promises to be Singapore’s most spectacular festive landmark ever.

Created by Iris Worldwide

Norte Photoblocker

From the amazing bastards that brought you The Best Excuse Ever comes a practical piece of protection against anti-social media.

Norte Photoblocker


So you can now avoid pictures like this ever seeing the light of facebook:


Just another piece of genius from Argentinian agency Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi.

Via Nathalie Turton

The World Is Obsessed With Facebook

You may well be familiar with OnlineSchools’ pant wettingly staggering stats, as well as some sadening revelations:


That one actually hurt.


But Alex Trimpe’s has animated the grave and graphical information into a lovely little video that people can share on… well… facebook I supppose.

The World Is Obsessed With Facebook

I guess it’s only appropriate: facebook.com/​alextrimpe


Thanks to onlineschools.org for serving as inspiration and providing the data through “Obsessed With Facebook”

An informational motion graphics piece by Alex Trimpe
Music by RJD2

Created in Adobe After Effects at The Columbus College of Art & Design (CCAD) for class.

New look Facebook

It’s never long before some clever dick invents a creative way of using things and the new facebook layout is no exception.

Many have scoffed at the lack of status and the addition of latest photo’s being the new top priority, but whilst these fellows were weeping into their web cams, others took the initiative to make something of this new found opportunity.

Take these two for example:

And there’s always one that tops them all:



Places has hit the UK, and it seems I have already hit about 20 different locations, two of which being nearby gay joints.  Ohh the fun begins. You can of course alter your privacy settings, but where’s the fun in that.

Those that are familiar with FourSquare, this is not going to come as a change in behaviour but it would seem those that aren’t are now baffled to the pointlessness of places.  To which I say, dudes, stick with it and you’ll become and addict, if you’re not already part of the next gen that feels they need to tell the world every little aspect, now there friends, coleagues and unfortunates can see every new venue they enter, Hurr-Arghhhhh.

This location based app has been present in the US for a month now but has only just been rolled out in the UK.

With brands like Domino’s Pizza, McDonald’s and Jimmy Choo’s already having taken advantage of it’s predecessor FourSquare, it will be interesting to see what, if anything, facebook will allow them to do.

What you need to know about Facebook Places.